Interpreters Solutions


What does lexer turn these into?


    Solution: ['(', 1, 2, 4, ')']


    Solution: ['(', 'define', '(', 'f', 'x', ')', 5, ')'],

    • Importantly, 'define' is not broken up into ['d','e','f','i','n','e'] this is because variable names are tokens in scheme so the smallest you can break it apart is into 'define'

What does the parser turn these into?


    Solution: Pair('+', Pair(1, Pair(2, nil)))


    Solution: Pair(1, Pair(Pair(2, nil), Pair(3, nil)))

    • Writing this out without the quotes and commas gives: (1 (2) 3), if we remember the notation for scheme Pair's then we see translate this into calls to cons to construct this list which gives the corresponding Pair structure.
    • (1 (2) 3) -> (cons 1 '((2) 3) ) -> (cons 1 (cons '(2) '(3)) )
    • -> (cons 1 (cons (cons 2 nil) (cons 3 nil)))
    • -> Pair(1, Pair(Pair(2, nil), Pair(3, nil)))

How many calls to scheme_eval/scheme_apply?

For problems 1-3 in this section refer to slides 92-96 of the review slides from Friday for further assistance


    Solution: 1 eval, 0 apply (function define statements don't evaluate the body so the only eval is the entire statement itself)


    Solution: 16 eval, 5 apply

    • 1 eval for entire line: ((lambda (x y) (+ (y 2) x)) 3 f)

      • 1 eval for operator: (lambda (x y) (+ (y 2) x))

      • 2 evals for operands: 3 and f

      • 1 apply for applying (lambda (x y) (+ (y 2) x)) to 3 and f

        • 1 eval for body: (+ (y 2) x)

          • 1 eval for operator: +

          • 1 eval for operand: (y 2)

            • 1 eval for operator: y

            • 1 eval for operand: 2

            • 1 apply for applying y to 2 (note: y is f from problem 1)

              • 1 eval for body: (* ((lambda () x)) 2)

                • 1 eval for operator: *

                • 1 eval for operand: ((lambda () x))

                  • 1 eval for operator: (lambda () x)

                  • 1 apply for calling (lambda () x)

                    • 1 eval for: x (this is 2)
                • 1 eval for operand: 2

                • 1 apply for applying * to 2 (what ((lambda () x)) evaluated to) and 2

          • 1 eval for operand: x

          • 1 apply for applying + to (y 2) and x


    Solution: 26 eval, 7 apply

    • Important note: eval is an ordinary operator not a special form (eval it like any normal function)

    • 1 eval for entire statement (we notice let is special form so we must evaluate according to the way let works)

      • Assignment part:

        • 1 eval for 4 (which we assign to f)
        • 1 eval for f (which we assign to g)
      • Body (1 eval for entire body):

        • 1 eval for operator: g

        • 1 eval for operand: (+ f (eval (define h ((lambda (a b) (* a b)) f 5))))

          • 1 eval for operator: +

          • 1 eval for operand: f

          • 1 eval for (eval (define h ((lambda (a b) (* a b)) f 5)))

            • 1 eval for operator: eval

            • 1 eval for operand: (define h ((lambda (a b) (* a b)) f 5)) (Define is special form!)

              • 1 eval for: ((lambda (a b) (* a b)) f 5)

                • 1 eval for operator: (lambda (a b) (* a b))

                • 2 eval for operands: f and 5

                • 1 apply for applying (lambda (a b) (* a b)) to f and 5

                  • 1 eval for operator: *
                  • 2 evals for operands: a and b
                  • 1 apply for applying * to a and b
              • *Note: here the expression resembles: `h = (lambda a, b: a * b)(f, 5)in python. In order to sethto the value of the right side we have to evaluate it to figure out what to assignh` to*

              • In contrast, with function definitions we more closely resemble def f(x): return x importantly we don't evaluate the interior until it is called

            • 1 apply for applying eval to (define h ((lambda (a b) (* a b)) f 5)) which evaluated to just h since define returns th variable just assigned. eval calls scheme_eval on the operand so we also have 1 eval in this part

          • 1 apply for applying + to f and (define h ((lambda (a b) (* a b)) f 5)) which evaluates to 20

        • 1 apply for applying g, which evaluates to f from prob 1, onto (+ f (eval (define h ((lambda (a b) (* a b)) f 5)))), which evaluates to 24

          • 1 eval for function body: (* ((lambda () x)) 2)

            • 1 eval for operator: *

            • 1 eval for operand: ((lambda () x))

              • 1 eval for operator: (lambda () x)

              • 1 apply for calling (lambda () x)

                • 1 eval for: x which is 24
            • 1 eval for operand: 2

            • 1 apply for applying * to 2 and x or 24


    Solution: 17 eval, 4 apply

    • 1 eval for entire line

      • 1 eval for operator: +

      • 1 eval for operand: (* (if (and #t) 1 2) 4)

        • 1 eval for operator: *

        • 1 eval for operand: (if (and #t) 1 2)

          • if is special form so we follows the if eval process

          • 1 eval for (and #t)

            • and is special form so it will short circuit after the first true
            • 1 eval for: #t and and ends due to short circuiting
          • because the condition eval'd to true we only eval 1 in the then case

        • 1 eval for operand: 4

        • 1 apply for applying * to 1 (from if statement) and 4

      • 1 eval for operand: (begin (+ 1 2) (+ 3 4))

        • begin is special form so we follow begin's evaling process (evaluate each then return last)

        • 1 eval for (+ 1 2)

          • 1 eval for operator: +

          • 2 evals for operand: 1 and 2

            • 1 apply for applying + to 1 and 2
        • 1 eval for (+ 3 4)

          • 1 eval for operator: +

          • 2 evals for operand: 3 and 4

            • 1 apply for applying + to 3 and 4
      • 1 apply for applying + to (* (if (and #t) 1 2) 4) and (begin (+ 1 2) (+ 3 4))

Generalized counting Eval/Apply

Given these general forms, write the number of Eval/Apply calls in terms of the expressions (for these problems assume these can be anything so we'll generalize by using and ):



    • evals
    • applies


    • if evals to True then:

      • evals
      • applies
    • otherwise then:

      • evals
      • applies

    Solution: 1 eval, 0 apply (we don't evaluate the interior of a function ever)



    • evals
    • applies


    • evals
    • ) applies

    Solution: The number of evals and applies is dependent on (because of short circuiting)

    • If evals to False then we have the minimum number of evals and applies (and short circuits on the first False value)

      • evals
      • applies
    • If both eval to True then we have a maximum number of evals and applies

      • evals
      • applies


    • eval
    • apply